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Kiwanis Service

New York District Foundation

By Sal Anelli

The 2010-2011 Kiwanis Administrative year is now a memory, but what a memory especially for Kamp Kiwanis who is in the business of making memories.

The year started really rough when on a cold November morning we found out that one of the true Giants in the District and especially on our District Foundation, had passed unexpectedly, a man who stood for everything that Kiwanis represents and proved it on a daily basis with giving of his time and resources so that some child will have a better life. Jim Yochum gave his all for the New York District and The New York District Kiwanis Foundation and we as members will never allow that to be forgotten. So what better way to respect his memory than to recommitting ourselves to fill the Kamp this season with challenged and underprivileged kids who would otherwise never have an opportunity to experience Kamp life, so that's what we did in Jim Yochum's memory.

Of course, this commitment is not accomplished by just a few, it takes everyone pushing in the same direction to accomplish anything, so we, once again came to you, the New York District Kiwanians, who have always come through, and once again you came you did it. Up until this year, our biggest season had been last year with 644 Kampers, this year we closed out the season with a total of 722 Kampers. There are many reasons why we had this success this year and there are far too many clubs and Kiwanians to mention for all that was done to achieve the nearly full Kampership attendance; however I would be really remiss if I didn't give you the single most reason we achieved this, and that is one person, Governor Mike Malark. The ex-marine gunny sergeant who decided that his Governors Project was to send children of active military people from the New York State area to Kamp Kiwanis and thanks to him, we were able to serve more than 120 children of military personnel, mostly from nearby Fort Drum. This was a great project because it fulfills the Kiwanis Ideals, it honors the military men and women that serve our country but more importantly, we are giving something back to the brave individuals who put their lives on the line every day to protect our freedom. For a one week period, these children enjoyed Kamp life with children their age, made new friends, and experienced a week I'm sure they won't soon forget. This project has been so successful that Governor Bill Risbrook decided months ago that he will continue it for his term, and why not, as the old saying goes "if it isn't broken, don't fix it."

I want to thank Governor Mike for his leadership and for all that he has brought to the New York District Kiwanis Foundation not just as Governor but for the many years that he served on our board. I also want to thank Governor Bill Risbrook for his commitment to the Kamp in extending the military children program.

Now we look forward to 2011-12. I want to remind everybody that Kamp opening day is May 5th, 2012. We are looking for Kiwanians to come up for the weekend to help with getting the Kamp ready, there's always a lot of work that needs to be done due to the usual rough winters we experience. As I have stated before, you don't have to be a skilled craftsman, all you have to do is be willing to work, if you are a skilled craftsman, we'll have special chores for you.

This year at opening day we will have a number of dedications, I'm most looking forward to dedicating the new Arts & Crafts building for two reasons. Firstly, we will now have a much needed arts and crafts center that will be able to accommodate many more children at one time and much more room to store arts and crafts supplies, the other reason is that this building has been sponsored by my home club, The Kiwanis Club of Bensonhurst & Bay Ridge in Brooklyn. This was a three-year, $35,000 commitment which was completed this year with the final payment. I thank all of the officers, board and members of my home club for always being supportive of Kamp Kiwanis.

I am looking forward to a great 2012 Kamping season and I am sure that with the help of Governor Bill, his board and all of you, we will have no problem serving many more children next year. Remember "One More Kamper." God bless everyone and God bless America.

Column Posted on Web Site November 17, 2011

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