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Kiwanis Service

Membership Growth

By Kim Scharoff

As we start a new administrative year, one of our focuses remains on membership growth. It is by increasing our membership that we can increase the amount of service that we do for those in need in the community. The membership growth committee is continuing the work of the previous chairperson, Super Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. Joe Weiss, to assist clubs in the New York District with increasing their membership. This year, the committee has nine zones and a chairperson for each zone. This structure allows for there to be someone in every area of the state to assist with membership growth.
How do we increase membership? The New York District has a number of programs available to assist you with increasing membership. First are those individuals who seek out Kiwanis on the International website. When someone goes to the International website and says they are interested in a club, I am sent an email with that individual's contact information. I then send them an email with the contact information for the local club and Lieutenant Governor and ask them to get in touch. I also hope that the President and/or Secretary of the local club will reach out to them. A few weeks after the initial email, I follow up to see if they have been contacted.
Second is the GEM program started by Joe Wiess. This program assists your club in making sure that they are ready for new members.
Third, is the Passport to Membership Growth. This is a program that Lieutenant Governor's can bring to their divisions and allows for a friendly competition between clubs to recruit new members from areas you may not of thought of and allows you to learn more about your community.
In addition, there are alternate ways to look at our clubs and membership. Things like "3-2-1 Clubs," "Club Satellites," and "Corporate Memberships" are some of the programs that Kiwanis International is putting forward as a way to grow our membership.
My committee and I look forward to working with you in the coming year to grow your membership. If there is any way that we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 680-7360 or kscharoff@gmail.com

Column Posted on Web Site November 17, 2011

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