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Kiwanis Service

Kiwanis International Vice President

By Thomas DeJulio

Kiwanis is facing the same challenges most social and religious organizations face in today's times: people "believe" in the good works represented by the organization, but they are hesitant to "belong" as active members.

How many times have we approached potential new members only to hear the response: "Kiwanis does wonderful service for children, but other commitments prevent me from joining."

The key to Kiwanis growth is to make believers belong.

How can we do this?

We must emphasize that in order to fulfill the Kiwanis mission of service, one must join others in a community where each contributes one's share to the whole. The Kiwanis Community is the club that serves the wider community.

Take a look at the Fifth of the Six Objects of Kiwanis: "To provide, through Kiwanis Clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships (in order) to render altruistic service and build better communities." (See how I added some words and emphasis to support my point that believing is not enough; belonging is necessary).

To help us make believers belong to Kiwanis, I suggest we follow the three basis principles of business growth:

With these principles in mind, and with a commitment to make Kiwanis grow in service, not just in numbers, "belonging" to Kiwanis is the best way to deliver the Kiwanis mission of service.

As our New York District once stated, Kiwanis is a "team effort", and the acronym TEAM stands for, "Together, Each Achieves More".

Column Posted on Web Site May 5, 2011

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.