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Kiwanis Service

Young Children, Priority One

By Rich Santer

This past June, Kiwanis International celebrated the success of its first Worldwide Service Project which eradicated Iodine Deficiency Disorder. The campaign which began in 1994 raised more than $100 million and brought iodized salt to more than 100 countries around the globe. This campaign has been hailed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization as one of the greatest health victories in history.
As announced at the Kiwanis International Convention in Las Vegas, Kiwanis is once again partnering with UNICEF to eliminate one of the world's most terrible diseases. Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) is a completely preventable killer that claims the life of one newborn baby every nine minutes. It is referred to in the Bible as the "Seventh Day Death." New mothers also fall victim to tetanus.
To prevent this disease, mothers need a series of three vaccinations that cost a total of $1.80. (That is less than the cost of the coffee you may have ordered at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts this morning.) Once vaccinated, a mother is protected throughout her childbearing years and passes her immunity to any child she gives birth to for its first two months of life.
Kiwanis International's partner UNICEF has a proven record of success in eliminating MNT in countries around the world. In recent years, UNICEF has eliminated Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus in 19 countries but they need Kiwanis and the K-family to make the final fund raising push to eliminate MNT in the 40 developing countries where it continues to kill new mothers and their babies.
UNICEF estimates that 129 million mothers in these 40 remaining countries need to be vaccinated. UNICEF also seeks to eliminate MNT by improving safe birthing practices, partnering with local governments, providing education and opening routes for medical treatment into the "invisible" small villages in these developing countries.
Kiwanis International has pledged to eliminate MNT by raising $110 million by 2015. All funds raised by the K-family will be channeled to the ELIMINATE project through the Kiwanis International Foundation. (For more information: logon to www.theeliminateproject.org)

This year, Governor Mike Malark is asking the New York District to take the lead in supporting the ELIMINATE Project by re-focusing our service efforts on Kiwanis International's Young Children Priority One (YCPO) initiative.

Because the ELIMINATE Project directly serves mothers and newborn children, it is the perfect place to begin your club's Young Children Priority One service activities. In fact, your club can even participate in Young Children Priority One, contribute to the ELIMINATE Project and support our Service Leadership Programs by making your ELIMINATE Project donation through the New York District of Circle K. As announced by Circle K Gov. Rickie Santer during his address at the NYD Kiwanis Convention in August, the NYD Circle K Governor's Project includes a fund raising component for the ELIMINATE Project. For a $90 donation, your club receives the NYD Circle K Worldwide Service Project medal to recognize a deserving individual. (For more information on the NYD Circle K Governor's Project and to download a NYCKI WSP Medal Order Form logon to www.nycirclek.org)

During the 2010-11 Kiwanis Service Year, clubs that conduct service projects in any of the Young Children Priority One (YCPO) areas such as Maternal and Neonatal Health, Child Care and Development, Parent Education and Support or Safety and Pediatric Trauma AND support the ELIMINATE Project will earn a banner patch. (For more information on the NYD Kiwanis Young Children Priority One Club Recognition Program logon to the NYD Kiwanis website at www.kiwanis-ny.org or contact NYD Kiwanis YCPO Chair Rich Santer at rs2wdld@aol.com)

Column Posted on Web Site November 9, 2010

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.