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Kiwanis Service

Kiwanis Children's Fund

By Helene Irvine

Hello all, Happy New Year 2021. As we say goodbye to 2020 we are unfortunately still going to be dealing with COVID-19 and the restrictions placed upon us. In the past year I have marveled at the Kiwanians and the service projects that were accomplished in our district. Children, veterans and seniors were still our priority while keeping ourselves and them safe.
As district chair for the Kiwanis Children's Fund we are continuing our mission to raise funds so that we may distribute grants for SLP, club and district service projects and disaster relief. Never forgetting the continued efforts in the elimination of maternal neonatal tetanus as well as IDD.
This year we are asking our clubs to participate in the $365 donation. $1 a day for the year. Many clubs give more and many less. We understand the trying year this has been for fundraising. We ask that when you are deciding to make your contributions you remember a donation to the Children’s Fund.
We all remember the one moment that had us join Kiwanis. We know the good we have done for our communities. I ask you to remember the Children’s Fund this year.
Be safe, be healthy. Have a wonderful Kiwanis year. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully seeing you soon.

Column Posted on Web Site January 13, 2021

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.