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Kiwanis Service

Legion of Merit

By Sue Sheehan

Each year, the New York District recognizes Kiwanis Club members who have completed 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service with Legion of Merit Certificates and pins designating the corresponding year.
Club secretaries can find the 2019-20 Legion of Merit Request Form on the District website under Forms and Documents. The cost of each pin is $5.95, plus $1.00 for the certificate. Shipping is an additional $3.00. The completed form and check should be made payable to the New York District Kiwanis and mailed at least 4 weeks in advance, but in most cases, orders are filled within a week. Completed form and check should be mailed to Sue Sheehan, PO Box 1292, Pine Bush, NY 12566.
If you have questions, feel free to call me at 845-744-5984 or e-mail me at ssheehan@frontiernet.net.
Legion of Honor
For Kiwanis members who have completed 25 years of service or more, the Club Secretary should contact the store at Kiwanis International. Legion of Honor Certificates and Pins are issued in 5 year increments. (Those members who have 25 or more years of Kiwanis service do not have to be consecutive, and can be accumulated in more than one club.) A member is eligible for each when he or she is within six months of reaching that milestone. Legion of Honor Certificates are $5.25 and Pins are $12.75 and must be ordered at least 2-3 weeks in advance. Kiwanis does not accept orders over the phone, however if you have questions you can call them at 1-800 KIWANIS, ext. 411.
Presentations of these awards at a special event can be a memorable moment for the recipient and his or her fellow Kiwanians.

Column Posted on Web Site April 7, 2020

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