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Kiwanis Service

District Historian

By Thomas E. DeJulio

From "BOB" to "Serving the Children of the World": Kiwanis at 105

More than a half-million Kiwanis Family members will meet this month and knowingly or not, celebrate an important birthday. Born in 1915, Kiwanis began its evolution from an organization of Benevolent Order Brothers (a/k/a "BOB") to one that includes member clubs for ages nine to 90-plus with a primary mission to serve the needs of children, locally and globally.
Gov. Joe Ruggiero invited me to assume the role of New York District Historian previously held by the late Kiwanis International President Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser (1987-88) and Past International President Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano (1996-97), who now resides and is an active Kiwanian in Naples, Florida.
How can I attract readers to this column written about the past when we live in a world focused more on the present? Many will say learning history is to educate ourselves about the past so that the past does not define, defeat, or destroy us, including institutions like Kiwanis. Knowing the facts and learning from our past can help strengthen and create a better future.
The process we choose to accomplish this is to offer in each column five questions about our Kiwanis past that entertain and educate, and can be relevant to a stronger Kiwanis future. In order to keep the "fun" in everything Kiwanis does, we will challenge readers to send in their answers to me at tdejulio@fordham.edu
Every member who emails ALL FIVE CORRECT ANSWERS will receive from me a prize of "historic value".
So now let's do what our members do best while serving others: HAVE SOME FUN!
1. In what year was Circle K officially recognized by Kiwanis International?
2. Identify all the years an International Convention was held in Indianapolis.
3. In what country and in what year was a Kiwanis charter first granted to a club outside of the United States and Canada?
4. What was the name of Kiwanis International's first "Major Emphasis Program"?
5. Which of the following locations DID NOT host a Kiwanis International Convention? a) Minneapolis; b) Phoenix; c) Baltimore; d) New York City
The answers will be published in our next column. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIWANIS!

Column Posted on Web Site January 26, 2020

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.