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Kiwanis Service

Past Governor

By John (Hank) Baker

I am honored to write this final letter as your governor.
The first lady and I will never forget the wonderful year we had. Our journey led us to every point of our district. The open arms, smiles and Kiwanis love. For this we will be forever grateful. From the success of our projects, to the smiles of the children from tears of joy. We will always have our memories. Being governor of this great district is an honor and a challenge.
I apologize for not being able to attend every thing we were invited to, but we made everything we were able to. In recent years we were years behind in our district audits, we now are caught up. We are a strong vibrant district. For this I am proud of all of you. Your hard work paid off. You truly went from GOOD TO GREAT.
Thank you all and God Bless Gov. Hank and First Lady Bonnie.

Column Posted on Web Site October 17, 2019

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