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Kiwanis Service

Governors Project - Military Kampers

By Lucien Giancursio

Welcome to our 2018-19 Kiwanis year.
This year, Gov. Hank Baker's Governor's project is to provide funding to send 100+ military children from Fort Drum and other military bases to Kamp Kiwanis.
At a current cost of $465 per Kamper (cost subject to change and does not include transportation) this will require $46,500.
If every club, all "262" of us participated, it's around $180 per club.
The plan is not to reduce the number of kids usually sent to Kamp, but for the Fort Drum Military Children to be added to the usual total.
This is Up and Beyond our current commitment. Starting with Fort Drum, we then can encompass the other military bases.
The clubs that currently send military children the goal is to provide "additional" funding for military children from your respective areas.
Something's worth considering, to Quote "JFK": "One person can make a difference, and everyone should try."
If all the 6800 plus New York District Kiwanians tried, consider the difference we will make.
If we all work together we can make this happen; in doing so we can bring the Kamp to maximum capacity.
The sign at Kamp Kiwanis reads, "Kamp Kiwanis ... Where Kiwanis Builds Tomorrows Memories".
I am personally asking you for your help to build some memories for these military children.
With the help of the 2018-19 board "Hank's Helping Hands" and a concentrated effort, we as a district will go from good to great.

Column Posted on Web Site October 25, 2018

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