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Kiwanis Service

Aktion Club

By Jaimie Neuringer

April 1st marks the beginning of the Kiwanis Service Leadership Program year, so it's time to start anew. I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself: My name is Jaimie Neuringer, and I am the Aktion Club District Administrator from Western New York. My background includes being an art teacher, a Kiwanis club secretary, and for the past 5 years, an Aktion Club Advisor.
We have launched a feature-filled Aktion Club website: www.aktionclub-ny.org It has some great tools: an interactive club map, recognition of individual club activities in the district, and resources including club building, fundraising, contests, and more. Anyone with an interest in our Aktion Clubs should be visiting this site regularly, and submitting club items to feature online.
We are excited that each Aktion Club has access to a new online monthly report this year. This monthly report replaced the quarterly reports that clubs had been using. It allows clubs to track club activities, service hours, fundraisers, and other important information in an easy format. Either the Kiwanis advisor or the facility advisor can complete their club's monthly report. Access is available by logging into Kiwanis Connect, the Kiwanis online reporting system.
Finally, The Aktion Club Training and Leadership Conference will be in Las Vegas in June, and we’ll have a spectacular lineup for members and advisors, including training, sharing, and a red-carpet movie event! For Kiwanians who have registered and paid for the Kiwanis International Convention, you can also attend TLC sessions at no additional cost. Your Kiwanis convention name badge will grant you access to TLC events. Please email kstephenson@kiwanis.org to let her know that you will participate so that we can save a seat for you.
I am here to help. If you have any Aktion Club questions or issues, please email me: jaimie@aktionclub-ny.org I also need your help: Please submit photos, activities, and ideas on the new website. Together, we can get our members into Aktion!

Column Posted on Web Site May 5, 2018

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