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Kiwanis Service

Circle K Governor

By Ryan Coffey

My name is Ryan Coffey, from The City College of New York and I am serving as the New York District Circle K Governor.
We just hosted our district convention in Albany, where we were very proud to have Hazel and John Goldstein, Key Club administrator, and Middletown Club Kiwanians, as our convention honoree. We also had Greg Faulkner, from Fordham Kiwanis Club, and past Circle K International President, as our Glenn Fitzpatrick Alumni Honoree.
Throughout my year I am going to promote more Kiwanis family relations, through all the branches. Please look out for emails and letters from you're Circle K Lieutenant Governor counterparts. I personally look forward to working with Governor Candace and Governor Elect Hank!
We also have our international convention, hosted in Chicago coming up in July, and we have a candidate for International Trustee. I look forward to attending to represent The New York District.
I hope you meet you in Syracuse in August, and throughout the year at various events. I thank you for your dedication to our organization and your commitment to sponsored youth.

Column Posted on Web Site May 5, 2018

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