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Kiwanis Service

Public Relations

By Janice Seyfried

PR and Marketing Project 2009-2010

Good internal and external PR and marketing tools are some of the most critical means of keeping your club going strong and boosting club activity, enthusiasm and membership. Hopefully throughout this Kiwanis year the marketing vehicles have helped to boost activity within your club by keeping members informed, excited, and involved and also help in your on-going membership campaign by providing information and content about Kiwanis and your club to the community.
This year Public Relations becomes a project -- nothing to send in but everything to utilize in your benevolent activities during this year. The club may select to do an over-all picture of the club's efforts in "getting the word out" by selecting five of the following forms of media:
    Club bulletin or newsletter
    Membership directory
    Club brochure
    Club website
    Club scrapbook
    Community support flyer
    Special event flyer
    An audio or video segment.
Just indicate on the application form which five (5) the club has completed, have the president and secretary attest to it, send it in, and we will send your patch to you.
    OR select a Special Event or Fund Raiser using five (5) of the following media: Newspaper article, press release, photo, direct mail, business cards, and more (on application)
    Flyer for community and/or Kiwanis
    Bulletin board or signage, wagon, tent or street signs
    Electronic media - interview, news coverage, remote broadcast, commercial radio, broadcast TV, cable TV, PSA (public service announcements which can be found in the Media Tool Kit - just request it from KI)
    Public/business event presence - parades, fairs, festivals
    ESK article (can be on District website), broadcast, e-mail
    New media - a club website, broadcast, e-mail
    Internal publicity - ESK or website, Kiwanis magazine, club newsletter
Check off the five (5) that the club has done, have the application signed and just send it in - simple as that.
Send it to Janice Seyfried, Public Relations Chairperson, NY District Kiwanis, 2104 Willow Street, Wantagh, NY 11793. (516) 826-6344 or email KiwanisPR@aol.com.
We hope that you will participate in this project and have fun while you are "getting the word out." If you need help of any kind with this, please give me a call -- we shall be glad to help you.


Column Posted on Web Site April 17, 2010

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