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Kiwanis Service

District Foundation

By Sal Anelli

The 2010 Kamping season is fast approaching and all of us at the New York District Kiwanis Foundation are gearing up for what hopes to be a great season for our New York District underprivileged and challenged children that will be attending our Kamp.
Last year, thanks to all of you we were able to significantly increase the Kamp's attendance, but we are still somewhat short of a full attendance year. We are maintaining our "One More Kamper" program, where we ask each club to send us one more Kamper this year than you sent last year. If all of our clubs do that, we have a full Kamp this year. Special recognition will be sent to your club in the way of a "Summer Scoops" banner patch to let everyone know that you've helped the Kamp.
At Mid-Winter this year we had our annual Kamp Shower run by my wife, Carole, and I want to thank everyone that participated in it by bringing us lots of cereal, we asked for cereal because last year the cost sky rocketed and you responded. Special thanks to Gov. Dave Booker and his builders for their decision to give all of the proceeds of the basket raffles to the Kamp, and of course to Herman and Rebecca Ovadia who sat at that table for two days selling raffle tickets. To my wife who put together the two football jersey basket which also raised money for our Kamp. To Joe Aiello of the Glendale Club, for donating the Blue Ray DVD Player which raised more money for the Kamp. To the Honorable Orlando "Lindy" Marrazzo, for his donation, and to everyone who spent their hard earned money to buy a raffle ticket, or to make a donation, no matter what the size of it.

May 14 and 15 is our Kamp opening work weekend, come and join us at the Kamp for a little work and a lot of fun. If you are coming, please call Rebecca at the Kamp so that she can prepare plenty of work for you to do.

Don't forget, send us "One More Kamper" this year.

Column Posted on Web Site April 17, 2010

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