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Kiwanis Service


By Julie Watterson

It has been a terrific year so far for the New York District and we are well on our way to another banner year in membership growth. I would like to take this opportunity to announce our second Bring a Guest Contest begins on April 15 and will run through July 15. It will run similarly to our last contest.

How it works: Bring a potential member to one of your meetings or to an event and snap a photo with that person (a cell phone selfie is ideal). Send that picture to me by email: JulesW77@aol.com or text it to me at 631-987-2442 with a note telling me your division, club, name and guest name. If that member joins, take another photo of you and your new member and send it to me. For each guest, the sponsoring member will receive one entry to the contest. For each new member, the sponsoring member will receive five entries to the contest. Please note, valid entries to this contest must include a photo and all photos will be posted on our NY District Facebook page. The winner of this contest will receive a grand prize to be announced at our district convention in August.

Now, you may be asking yourself how you can get guests to come to a meeting so you can participate. This is where The Formula comes into play.

"Love it." Why do you love your Kiwanis Club? What drives you to go to meetings and events sponsored by your club? You should be able to tell people your story. Who and what brought you to Kiwanis in the first place and why did you stay? Every Kiwanis member has their own unique story!

"Share it." This is what happens when members love their clubs. It's human nature to tell others about great experiences with have had with products or services - even Kiwanis! This part of the Formula lets us spread the word about our clubs by telling others face to face, by invitations to meetings, service projects or fundraisers. Get on social media and share your experiences on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest! Sharing what you do with others will inspire them to be a part of what you do.

"Live it." This is what happens when you share your experience of being a Kiwanian. Wear your Kiwanis pin or logo attire and engage in club activities, especially community service. Be proud of being a Kiwanis member. I know I am.

Simply put, Love it. Share it. Live it. is The Formula. This is how you will bring guests and new members to your meetings.

Finally, if your club is having a hard time bringing in guests or potential new members; please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for help. I have some great ideas for Membership Drives and would love to share with you. Please call or email me. I am proud to be your Membership Chair and look forward to helping you grow our District!

Column Posted on Web Site April 18, 2015

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