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Kiwanis Service

Governor Elect

By Eric G. Paul

Happy New Year! I realize that it may be late January or early February when you read this, but with 2013 just behind us, and with the excitement of looking toward a great 2014, I can't resist the greeting.
Being Governor-Elect of this great Kiwanis District is all I ever imagined it to be. I traveled to Indianapolis for training in November, and again in early January with our Sponsored Program Administrators. Both were great experiences where I was able to trade information with other districts on how things were done there, developments in Kiwanis, and about how we (different districts) are all so different, but really the same.
As we approach our 2014 Mid-Winter Conference, I want to ask a favor. I need volunteers to do the many "jobs" our Kiwanis District has for hardworking people looking to work to improve our district. Remember these are jobs with duties, not just titles!
These positions range from district committee member to district chair, and from membership to club building and regarding club activities.
I ask you please send me an email detailing what areas you would like to serve in, and why, to egpaul99@gmail.com. Or, stop me at the conference in Albany to talk!
I look forward to seeing everyone in Albany on Feb. 21.

Column Posted on Web Site January 29, 2014

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