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Kiwanis Service

Builders Club

By Joanne Underwood

I think most Kiwanis Clubs who look to charter a Builders Club are already sold on the fact that the Builders Club will make a positive impact on the students who join it and through them, a similar impact on their school and community. What may be scaring off some Kiwanis clubs is not knowing exactly what their responsibility is to the Builders Club. That is what I hope to explain here.
A sponsoring Kiwanis Club makes contact with a Middle or Junior High School, and "sells" the principal or administrator on the value of having a Builders Club in their school. If you need help doing this, you can reach me, one of the district's Builders Club Committee members, an advisor from another Builders Club, or your Lt. Governor to help you. We can get you a DVD from International, you can copy articles from the ESK, go on line to the Builders Club website, etc. But don't be afraid, you know what a Kiwanis Club is; a Builders Club is simply a student run Kiwanis club (with the guidance of a faculty and a Kiwanis advisor).
Once the school, school district, or a community organization agrees to have a Builders Club, there are chartering papers to be filled out and sent (along with a chartering fee) to Kiwanis International. These forms are not hard to complete. The club needs to appoint a Kiwanis Advisor to the Builders Club. The Faculty Advisor and the Kiwanis Advisor can get to know each other while getting these forms completed.
The Kiwanis Advisor does those things that Kiwanians do best. They make sure the student officers are trained so they know what their job as president or secretary is, and how to run a meeting. That doesn't mean the advisor has to train them; they can get members of their Kiwanis Club who have held these offices to explain the basics to the Builders Club officers. The advisor then helps the officers when they have questions or problems with their duties. And, as with your Kiwanis Club, there are lots of resources available from Kiwanis International to help do these things. For the Kiwanis Advisor and any Kiwanians who choose to become involved, it's a project they will quickly become very proud of. This age student knows no limits, has an abundance of energy and time for their projects. They will in many cases, outshine the sponsoring Kiwanis Club!
All of which means, with your community and your Kiwanis Club will be so much better because you chose to sponsor a Builders Club. What are you waiting for?

Column Posted on Web Site January 29, 2014

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