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Kiwanis Service

New Club Building

By DPG Joseph Eppolito

Governor Al recently spoke with a local Applebee's Restaurant Manager in Bayside about Kiwanis and he was impressed with what Kiwanis as a service organization. Applebee's Restaurants are franchised-owned, Those owned in the five boroughs and Westchester are by the same corporation. They have always been committed to helping their communities, as they have many fundraisers with community groups.

Gov Al relayed the conversation to me and we brain stormed the idea that there is NO good reason why we can't try to build Applebee's Kiwanis clubs throughout the District. We support them and they support us.

We only need 15 members for a new club. Many Applebee's Restaurants have 50-60 employees. Maybe the franchise owner would contribute $1 per week for dues and employees pay $1/week for dues, taken out of the employees' pay ... and the dues are taken care of easily. Get the owner and the manager committed and the clubs can be built all over New York State!
This type of club would NOT have a negative effect on any existing Kiwanis club in the area as it would be a company-based club. Hopefully, many younger adults will join (ages 18-30) to bring "new blood" into our organization which we desperately need!
 Applebee's Restaurants exist ALL over NY State!
Gov Al and I both think it is time to take action and not just "talk the talk," but "walk the talk!." I have already contacted my local Applebee's Restaurant and will be sitting down with the manager this week.
NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT! Contact your local area Applebee's and start a dialogue!

Column Posted on Web Site July 27, 2013

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.