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Kiwanis Service


By Gov. Al Norato Jr.

We just recently returned from another amazing Kiwanis International Convention. This year was super special in that two, not one, but two of New York's Greatest Kiwanians - and their spouses - lead more than 4,000 Kiwanians from around the globe in our annual convention. KI President Tom and Dr. Ro, were the greatest of hosts as they exhibited class and sophistication throughout the entire week. As the class of New York was displayed, Tom and Dr. Ro shared the stage all week-long with KIF President Peter Mancuso and his wife Karen, as we demonstrated an amazing degree of dedication to the Eliminate/Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus program. No matter where one turned, you were engaged in extending the commitment to this vital World Service Project.

I would also be remiss if I didn't point out that we had a third New Yorker who was president of one of our SLP's, none other than CKI International President Josephine Lukito. Many members of CKI arrived in Vancouver ahead of the adult Kiwanians to take part in their Large Scale Service Project. This year, members of CKI built not one, but two playgrounds, that were ready for use for school age children by Thursday afternoon. Having spent time with the NY contingent of CKI members on Friday evening, they were especially proud of their accomplishment as they told me of the smiles of appreciation and gifts of thanks that they received from the children who would forever remember CKI and what they did for them. As Gunter says, we build bridges for the future of our children. CKI members did just that! How can you not be proud of the leaders we are helping to create in our Kiwanis family?

If you were not engrossed in the MNT issue, you had plenty to choose from as far as workshops were concerned. If you didn't walk away with a greater knowledge of what you can do to make your commitment to Kiwanis any greater, you must have been busy listening to some of the very best speakers I have ever heard at a Kiwanis convention. During our opening session, we were entertained by Justin Willman, a very talented and funny magician. While he was spectacular, he only warmed up the crowd for our Keynote Speaker, John O'Leary. A man who turned a terrible mistake and personal tragedy at the age of 9 years old into a life altering event that held us all spellbound. Burned over 100 percent of his body, mostly consisting of third degree burns and with a 1 percent chance of surviving, he learned what "Love" is and he also learned that volunteers, like Kiwanians, make the difference in a person's life. Throughout his presentation, he remarked to us, "What more can I do?". By the end of his presentation, all in attendance shouted out "WHAT MORE CAN I DO?" For as he said, the greatest thing that can overcome FEAR is LOVE. With love, we are never afraid as service minded Kiwanians to ask, "What More Can I Do?" If you are interested in learning more about this amazing man with a humble heart, follow this link: http://rising-above.com/

Prior to our caucus meeting on Friday morning (we cancelled the board meeting, as we didn't have a quorum) many of us awoke early to watch the 2010 Olympic torch ignited at Canada Place, as we proceeded to embark on the second annual Eliminate/MNT walk to help raise funds to save lives. Interestingly, it was on this day and from then onward, that the sun came out and stayed with us. Prior to that, the weather was overcast and drizzly.

On Friday, during the business session of the convention, President Tom conducted the meeting with consummate skill and on several occasions, with quick wit, as amendments to the amendments to the amendments were submitted. A link is provided for your convenience to learn the results of the election: http://community.kiwanisone.org/blogs/kiwanis_public_news/archive/2013/07/01/voting-results-delegates-approve-8-amendments.aspx Ultimately, Kevin Dean (West Virginia District), Patrick Ewing (Pacific-Northwest District) and Patti Barsotti (Cal-Nev-Ha District) were elected to a three-year term as KI International Trustees, Dr. John R. Button (Eastern Canada and Caribbean District), was elected to the position of President-Elect, Gunter Gasser, of Austria, as the 2013-14 Kiwanis International President.

In his convention remarks, Gasser focused on Kiwanis' service priority, declaring: "There are children who need our help. They may be sick, hungry, in need of role models or help with education. They are children whose future is at risk. ... We have to build them a bridge to the future."

Finally, in what can only be the culmination of the end of celebrating 25 years of Women in Kiwanis, for the first time ever, a woman was elected Kiwanis International Vice President. From the Michigan District, Sue Petrisin will be Kiwanis International's President in 2015-16. This is the first time that a woman was elected to such a great and noble position, and now it is up to Rotary, Lions and all other service organizations to once again follow Kiwanis.

On Friday night, if you were not too tired from the Eliminate walk, the workshops, and the business session, we were entertained by the original cast of the Broadway Show, "The Jersey Boys", in a new show they call "The Midtown Men". It was a wonderful event that had everybody singing, clapping and eventually, dancing in the aisles. More importantly, if you are a Facebook follower, please "like" the Midtown Men, as they will advocate the MNT issue for all those who follow them. Remember, you don't have to be a Kiwanian to donate to the cause to save lives, but I'm certain that once a non-member donates and realizes the impact that their donation has, they will join us as full-fledged members of Kiwanis.

During Saturday's closing session, the rest of the world saw what New York has known for years, in that KI First Lady Dr. Ro was welcomed to the stage by her adoring nieces, who presented her with a Mother's Day Zeller. Holding back her emotions as best as possible, but beaming with the unconditional love and pride that has endured between them for the last 38 years of marriage and 40 years altogether, Dr. Ro introduced our "Man of the Year", Kiwanis International President Thomas "Tom" E. DeJulio, who proceeded to motivate us to "Connect, Inspire and Advocate" so that our Kiwanis commitment and experience could have the greatest "impact" on those who need us the most: "Our Children, Their Future."

As Tom was saying farewell, he and Peter Mancuso presented the Kiwanis World Service Medal to Vancouver native Sarah McLachlan, whose group of young talented musicians her program sponsors played a beautiful song for us. In turn, the stage was offered to Sarah, who sang two of her most memorable songs for us.

Vancouver was a memorable location to attend ICON. If you were there, you know the feeling. If you were not, please consider coming to DCON (August 15-18) in Henrietta, NY, to help us cap off the New York Year of real All-Stars.

Column Posted on Web Site July 7, 2013

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.