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Kiwanis Service

Pediatric Lyme Disease

By DPG John Gridley

In this issue of the ESK I think that I just want to say "Thank you," to our Kiwanis Family (Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club, K-Kids and Aktion Club) for taking the time to care and share.

I have been in Kiwanis for almost 40 years and our Sponsored Youth have never failed to impress me. Their dedication to service is always over and above. Our Sponsored Youth should be recognized for their talents, skills and ideas. Too often, we adults focus on Sponsored Youth as needing resources rather than being the resource, but are afraid that their ideas will not be accepted because everyone already has an answer. Community Service can be used to give our Sponsored Youth the opportunity to be resources. It has been my experience that if Sponsored Youth are involved in the entire process of community service efforts, we can utilize their talents and see the positive outcome. The time, effort, and money spent obtaining resources are saved because the Sponsored Youth are the resources. Throughout this process the Sponsored Youth learn more about themselves and their abilities.

After Sponsored Youth have been engaged in the entire community service process from planing to completion, and after they have been utilized as resources, the best way to keep them motivated is to recognize them for their time and work. Whether it is an award, a certificate or just taking a moment to say "Thank you," acknowledging the fact that Sponsored Youth are doing something positive encourages them to continue to give back to their community and motivates them to get others involved in the Kiwanis family.

Community Service must not be taken beyond the level where our Sponsored Youth do the work and adults get the credit. With so many options to chose from, our youth don't have to be involved in Kiwanis Community Service. Recognizing them lets them know that their actions speak and are not taken for granted.

Sponsored Youth are our future in Kiwanis. Community Service helps prepare our Sponsored Youth for the future. Let us as Kiwanis members empower our Sponsored Youth to determine their own destiny.
So on behalf of all the members of the Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation and all the young children with Lyme disease, I say "Thank you" for remembering that the main thing, is to keep the main, thing the main thing, and the main thing is helping children.

Column Posted on Web Site April 22, 2013

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.