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Kiwanis Service

Young Children, Priority One

By Rich Santer

As we move into the second half of the Kiwanis service year, it is appropriate to consider the direction of our clubs and our service. It is time to examine how we are doing in terms of our club's adherence to the most basic principle of Kiwanis International. We need to ask, "What have we done this service year to serve the children of the world?"

At the very core of our service to children is our work on Kiwanis International signature club projects such as Young Children Priority One (YCPO).

Young Children Priority One focuses on children from prenatal to age 5. Research shows that this is the time of a child's development that service can have the greatest impact.

There are four main areas of Young Children Priority One projects.

These are:

Kiwanis International asks clubs to conduct two Young Children Priority One projects each service year. Kiwanis International recognizes participating clubs through the issuance of a banner patch. Clubs can order banner patches by using the online YCPO banner patch order form at www.kiwanisone.org/ycpo.

If I can assist any club in locating resources or in planning their YCPO projects, please do not hesitate to contact me at rs2wdld@aol.com.

Column Posted on Web Site April 22, 2012

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.